About us
Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI)
Welcome to Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BWCCI), the first chamber of commerce in the country exclusively working on women’s economic and social empowerment. It is a non-profit, non-political organization established in June 2001 with an enlightened aim to encourage and strengthen women’s participation in the private sector as entrepreneurs through promoting a women friendly business environment. BWCCI is a strong community voice, lobbying for micro to macro women entrepreneurs to assist their growth and to improve their social and economic prospects. The members of BWCCI are from the entire range of socio-economic spectrum.
If you are a woman entrepreneur, there are many opportunities within the Chamber for you to develop your business. Explore them and excel yourself as a successful business woman. We are here to grow woman in business.

To build a prosperous Bangladesh through progress and economic empowerment of women.
To evolve as a national platform for urban and rural women entrepreneur with an aim to enhance their contribution in all spheres of life through attaining sustainable financial strength, and recognition in family, society, economic and public life.
- To mobilize economic growth among the urban and rural women of Bangladesh.
- To ensure women’s strong voice in all spheres of economic and political activity with an aim to build a healthy and prosperous nation.
- Become the most credible and strong voice among stakeholders in bringing about policy, legal, social and regulatory changes.
- Lead the nation towards progress through economic, political and social empowerment of women.
- To promote entrepreneurship among women in rural and urban areas through Capacity Building program by counseling, training ,product and market development.
- To advocate for a gender friendly environment and policies enabling growth of women owned enterprise.
Development Partners
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh;
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
European Union.
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE).
The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
SAWES (South Asian Women Entrepreneur’s Symposium).
The Asia Foundation.
Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Trace International.
SAARC Development Fund.
CUTs International-DFID, UK.
SME Foundation, Bangladesh.
Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (HITAL), Canada.
US Embassy, Dhaka.
The International Republican Institute (IRI), USA.
The Royal Danish Embassy, Dhaka.
Swiss contact.
South Asia Enterprise Development Facility (SEDF)-World Bank.
Matching Grant Facilities (MGF).
World Bank Group.
The Commonwealth Secretariat.
Development Cooperation and Economic Affairs.
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
BWCCI has won the APAC 2018 International Chamber of Commerce Award
BWCCI has received award from NBR in 2017 as the honor of creating awareness among its members and contribute to generate government revenue.
BWCCI has won the 7th CACCI Local Chamber Award in Big Chamber Category in Taiwan Major.
Founder & President of BWCCI Ms. Selima Ahmad received Oslo Business for Peace Award 2014 which is considered the highest form of recognition given to individual business leaders for fostering peace and stability through creating shared value between business and society.
A separate allocation of BDT 1 Billion (USD12.5 million) made in the national budget for women entrepreneurs started from the FY 2012-13.
Collateral free loan for women entrepreneurs under the Refinancing Scheme of Bangladesh Bank. Now interest rate is 9% for SME loan in the country.
Activities covered in 64 Districts worked and with 34 development partners till date.
31 Projects successfully implemented.
3 projects are running smoothly.
1,811 batches received capacity and skill development trainings (till January 2020).
54,691 women received business development, capacity and skill development trainings (till January 2020).
Total 4,635 Women Entrepreneurs participated in 53 International (461women) and 294 National (4149 women) trade fairs (till January 2020).
Board of Directors

Selima Ahmad

Sangita Ahmed
Senior Vice President

Sabina Alam
Vice President

Shahana Jefreen

Selina Quader

Tanya Tazeen Karim

Ridma Khan

Ulfat Jahan

Nusrat Amin Mirza

Priti Chakraborty

Lipi Khondoker

Afroza Parvin

Tahmina Afrose Tanna