“Alor Eid Mela -2023”

Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI) and City Alo- City Bank Ltd jointly organized 03 days long fair “Alor Eid Mela -2023” with the diversified products of Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs at Bangladesh Mohila Somity, Belly Road, Dhaka from 06 April to 08 April 2023. The fair was jointly inaugurated by Md. Safiul Amin, Head of  Branches, City Bank Limited and Ms. Sangita Ahmed, Senior Vice President, BWCCI. Ms. Nasrin Akter, Head of City Alo, Ms. Selina Quader, Director of BWCCI, Ms. Shahana Jefreen, Director of  BWCCI, and Ms. Lipi Khandker, Director of  BWCCI were present in the inaugural program.

There were 32 stalls at the fair with attractive products of women entrepreneurs of Dhaka, Thakurgaon, and Chittogram areas. The women entrepreneurs with traditional nakshi katha, Jamdani saree, salwar kameez, panjabi, baby dress, household items, home décor items, different food items, traditional & handmade ornaments, herbal products, riksha paint, etc. participated in the fair. It is to be noted that Ms. Farkhunda Jabeen Khan, Treasurer of BWCCI, Ms. Priti Chakraborty, Director of BWCCI, and Afroza Parveen, Director of BWCCI visited the fair on the 2nd day.

On the third day of the fair Selima Ahmad MP, Honorable President of BWCCI visited the fair to inspire the women entrepreneurs. All the women entrepreneurs enjoyed the fair a lot and they were very happy with their sales.

Workshop on the Implementation for Gender Action Plan (GAP)

SEIP-BWCCI Project had organized a workshop on  the Implementation for Gender Action Plan (GAP) with SEIP-BWCCI project’s graduated trainees of Tranche-3 from different trades and PIU Staffs at the Conference Room of SEIP-BWCCI PIU on 31 January 2023. The officials of SEIP-BWCCI Project and 18 graduated trainees of SEIP-BWCCI Project participated in the workshop. Ms. Mahbuba Farjana (Joint Secretary), Gender and Social Development Specialist-SEIP, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, GoB moderated the workshop where a total 27 people participated. There was a brief presentation on Gender Action Plan and an open discussion was held after the presentation. All the participants are advised to raise awareness on gender equality of the project and organization level.

Courtesy Meeting with Honorable Senior Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh

A courtesy meeting was held between a delegation team of BWCCI’s Board of Directors and Ms. Fatima Yasmin, Honorable Senior Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh on 5th January, 2023. The delegation team of BWCCI was led by Ms. Selima Ahmad MP, President, BWCCI along with 02 Board of Directors Ms. Farkhunda Zabin Khan and Prity Chakrabarty. The delegation team shared BWCCI’s activities and the progress of the SEIP-BWCCI project with the Honorable Senior Secretary. The meeting was very fruitful and ended up with the valuable insight and cooperation of Honorable Senior Secretary to work together in the future towards the development of women entrepreneurs of the country.

“Workshop on Tranche-3 Training Program Implementation of SEIP-BWCCI Project”

An “Workshop on Tranche-3 Training Program Implementation of SEIP-BWCCI Project” was organized by Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) on 21 November 2022 at the conference room of SEIP where the relevant officials of the PIU and Centre in Charge (CiC) and the Accountants of the Training Institutes (TIs) of SEIP-BWCCI Project along with the concerned senior officials of SEIP attended.  The workshop was inaugurated by Ms. Fatema Rahim Veena, Honourable Executive Project Director while Dr. Sanwar Jahan Bhuiyan, Deputy Executive Project Director (Private-1) attended the workshop. Ms. Sadia Sharmin, Assistant Executive Project Director mainly moderated the whole day workshop. The DEPD- Fund Management, the AEPDs and the Specialist/Consultants were present in the inaugural session and facilitated the workshop as per schedule.

Total 26 CiC and the Accountants from 15 TIs of SEIP-BWCCI Project and 7 Officers from the PIU took part in the workshop. Entrepreneurship Development/ Job Placement, Monitoring, Fund Management, Procurement and Audit, TMS Management, Gender Action Plan (GAP) were intensively discussed in the workshop. The program was ended with the question and answer session which was moderated by Dr. Sanwar Jahan Bhuiyan, DEPD (Private-1). Giving thanks to SEIP authority for arranging the workshop, the PIU and the TIs representatives shared their achievements and challenges in the open discussion. The SEIP officials admired the performance of the project and suggested to do better in future following the terms and conditions of the Business Plan and the MoUs signed between the parties concerned.

“Alor Hemonto Mela -2022”

Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI) and City Alo- City Bank Ltd jointly organized a 03 days long fair “Alor Hemonto Mela -2022” with the diversified products of Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs at “Bijoy Gatha Community Center” KDA Road, Sonadanga, Khulna from 17 November to 19 November 2022.  The fair was inaugurated by Mr. Talukder Abdul Khaleque, Honourable Mayor, Khulna City Corporation and Ms. Nasrin Akter, Head of City Alo. Among others Ms. Farhana Akhter Nila, Coordinator Entrepreneurship Development, Monitoring and Database, SEIP-BWCCI Project, Mr. Md. Bazlul Karim Monir, Regional Head, City Bank-Khulna, Ms Mosrat Jahan Shanta, Officer Membership Development-BWCCI were present in the inaugural program. Ms. Shamima Sultana Shilu, Divisional Head- BWCCI, Khulna coordinated the fair and moderated the inaugural session.

There were 40 stalls in the fair with attractive products of women entrepreneurs of Khulna Metropolitan City areas. The women entrepreneurs with traditional nakshi katha, saree, salwar kameez, panjabi, baby dress, household items, home décor items, different food items, traditional & handmade ornaments, herbal products etc. participated in the fair. On the closing day of the fair, Khulna District Council Chairman Mr. Sheikh Harun-ur-Rashid was present and distributed certificates among the participating entrepreneurs. Approximate 5000 people visited the fair. The women entrepreneurs including the newly graduated trainees of SEIP-BWCCI Project of Khulna district expressed their satisfaction to get the opportunity to take part in the fair. All the women entrepreneurs enjoyed it a lot and they were very happy with their sales.