
Ms. Selima Ahmad MP has been awarded for the “Bangamata Begum Fazilatunnesa Mujib Padak-2022”


Ms. Selima Ahmad MP, President of BWCCI and the Vice Chairperson of Nitol Niloy Group has been awarded for the Bangamata Begum Fazilatunnesa Mujib Padak-2022” for her magnificent contribution to the economy of the country. The award giving ceremony was held at Osmani Memorial Auditorium and the Honorable Prime Minister joined the event virtually. State Minister for Women and Children Affairs Fazilatun Nesa Indira, on behalf of the Honorable Prime Minister, handed over the awards to five distinguished women for their outstanding contributions to different fields on August 8, 2022.

BWCCI is proud to have Selima Ahmad as its President and wish for her best success in future.

MoU signing between BWCCI and City Alo, The City Bank Ltd.

An MoU has been signed on 17th July 2022 between BWCCI and City Alo-City Bank. Ms. Selima Ahmad MP, President of BWCCI and Md. Safiul Amin, Head of Branches, City Bank Limited along with Ms. Sangita Ahmed, Senior Vice President, BWCCI signed the MoU. Among the BWCCI’s Board of Directors Ms. Sabina Alam, Ms. Selina Quader, Ms. Ulfat Jahan Moon, Ms, Farkhunda Jabin Khan, Ms. Lipi Khandkar, Ms. Shahana Jefreen and Ms. Tania Karim were present there along with the Officials of BWCCI. Mr. Kamrul Mehedi, Head of Small & Micro Finance Business- City Bank Limited, Ms. Nasrin Akter, Head of City Alo, Ms. Fatema Akter Naz, Business Development & Proposition manager, City Alo, Md. Tuhinur Alam, Unit Head, City Alo-Enterprises joined the ceremony from City Bank Limited. The objective of the MoU is to work jointly on the access to finance for women entrepreneurs to empower them economically. City Alo will provide loans to BWCCI’s eligible members on the basis of BWCCI’s reference, will arrange fair for BWCCI’s members and will provide capacity building training to the trainees of ongoing programs and members of BWCCI’s for bank readiness. BWCCI and City Alo will work jointly for different motivational initiatives to enhance the capacity and productivity of the BWCCI’s members.

Inception Workshop on Implementation Guideline of Gender Action Plan with BWCCI and SEIP-BWCCI Project Staff

SEIP-BWCCI Project organized an inception workshop on Implementation Guideline of Gender Action Plan with BWCCI and SEIP-BWCCI Project Staff at the Conference Room of BWCCI on 22 June 2022. The officials of BWCCI as well as SEIP-BWCCI Project staff and some graduated trainees of SEIP-BWCCI Project participated in the workshop. Ms. Mahbuba Farjana (Joint Secretary), Gender and Social Development Specialist-SEIP, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, GoB moderated the workshop where total 18 people participated. There was a brief presentation on Gender Action Plan and an open discussion was held after the presentation. All the participants are advised to raise awareness of the concerned stakeholders on gender equality  of the project and organization level.

Consultation meeting with the graduated trainees of SEIP-BWCCI project

SEIP-BWCCI project had organized a consultation meeting with the graduated trainees of SEIP-BWCCI project at the PIU office on 25 April 2022. Ms. Suraia Jabin, Gender Specialist, Asian Development Bank moderated the session in the presence of Ms. Mahbuba Farjana, Consultant (Joint Secretary), Gender and Social Development Specialist, SEIP, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, GoB along with SEIP-BWCCI project staffs. 11 graduated trainees of Tranche-1 and 3 from different trades participated in the consultation meeting. The graduated trainees shared their training experiences, challenges during and after training and success of their life after receiving the training under SEIP-BWCCI project.

“EID FAIR-2022”

Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI) and SME Foundation jointly organized a 03 days long “EID FAIR-2022” with the diversified products of Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs at “Ananda Angan, Bangladesh Mohila Samity, New Baily Road- Dhaka” during 21 April to 23 April 2022.  The fair was inaugurated by Ms. Selima Ahmad MP, President- BWCCI and Ms. Farzana Khan, General Manager-SME Foundation. Among others, the Vice President, Treasurer and Board Directors of BWCCI and the Deputy General Manager of SME Foundation were present in the inauguration program. It is to be noted that Dr. Md. Mafizur Rahman, Managing Director of SME Foundation also paid a visit to the fair on 23rd April 2022.

There were 32 stalls in the fair with attractive products of women entrepreneurs. There were traditional nakshi katha, saree, salwar kameez, panjabi, baby dress, household items, home décor items, leather & jute products, traditional & handmade ornaments, bamboo made products, herbal products etc.  As the fair was organized on the eve of the Holy Eid ul Fitre, the women entrepreneurs participated in the fair with all festival items and they sold huge products in the fair. All the women entrepreneurs enjoyed it a lot and they were very happy with their bumper sales.

Contract Signing Ceremony between SEIP and BWCCI

The Signing Ceremony of the 1st Amendment to the Contract on Grants for Training between SEIP and BWCCI was held on 27 March 2022 at the Conference Room, Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) 15th Floor, Probashi Kallyan Bhaban, 71-72, Old Elephant Road, Eskaton Garden, Ramna- Dhaka. Ms. Selima Ahmad MP- President BWCCI and Md. Ekhlasur Rahman (Additional Secretary) – Executive Director –SEIP signed the contract from BWCCI and SEIP respectively. Among others, the Sr. Vice President-BWCCI, Treasurer and one Sr. Director- BWCCI, the concerned DEPDs and the AEPDs and Consultants of SEIP, the Chief Coordinator, SEIP-BWCCI Project were present in the event. The EPD-SEIP delivered his welcome speech. He hoped to strengthen the working relation between SEIP and BWCCI in the days to come while President-BWCCI gave her special thanks to the Sr. Secretary, the honorable sitting Minister and the former Minister of the Ministry of Finance for their cordial support to the women entrepreneurs as well as to BWCCI. She also gave thanks to the EPD, concerned DEPD and AEPD and all other officials of SEIP for their cooperation in implementing the SEIP-BWCCI Project. The President-BWCCI expressed her satisfaction saying that after successful completion of the Women Entrepreneurs Skill Development Centre (WESDC) – Gazipur, the most deserving women of the country will get opportunity to take part in the residential skill based training course. The inclusive support of entire SEIP team would be highly acknowledged by the Board of Directors and the entire members of BWCCI she added.

International Women’s Day Celebration

BWCCI has celebrated the IWD 2022 at its secretariat in Dhaka on 8th March 2022. Ms. Selima Ahmad, President, BWCCI joined the program virtually from abroad and wished all the members with her welcome speech. Ms. Sangita Ahmed, Senior Vice President of BWCCI and all the Board of Directors, general members and BWCCI’s staffs joined the program. Ms. Selima Ahmad, President, BWCCI said that collectively we can “Break the Bias” through the economic empowerment of women.  President has inspired all the women entrepreneurs to come forward and work strongly for the development of the country. At the same time, BWCCI’s divisional offices celebrated the IWD 2022 in each division with the divisional members. 

MoU signing between BWCCI and Standard Chartered Bank

On the eve of the occasion of International Women’s Day 2022, an MoU has been signed on 7th March 2022 between BWCCI and Standard Chartered Bank. On behalf of Ms. Selima Ahmad, President, BWCCI the MoU has been signed by Ms. Sangita Ahmed, Senior Vice President of BWCCI and Sabbir Ahmed, Head, Consumer, Private and Business Banking, Bangladesh. Among the BWCCI’s Board of Directors Ms. Sabina Alam, Ms. Selina Quader, Ms. Abida Ali, Ms. Lipi Khandkar and Ms. Munmun Rahman were present there along with the Officials of BWCCI. Mr. Shawkat Alam, General Manager Business Banking, Mr. Mishael Abu Imam, Head, Business Banking Products, Mr. Jalaluddin Baybers, Head, Priority Sector Lending, Nusha Tabassum, Product Manager Business Banking and Shafwat Adnan Alam, Product Manager Business Banking joined the ceremony from SCB. The objective of the MoU is to work jointly on the access to finance for women entrepreneurs to empower them economically. SCB will provide loans to BWCCI’s eligible members on the basis of BWCCI’s reference.