
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with women entrepreneurs of Dhaka division

BWCCI is executing a project entitled  “Promoting Democratic Participation in the Digital Economy (PDPDE)” funded by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) in cooperation with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)-USA. The main objective of the project is To identify the prevailing challenges and concerns, raising awareness of women entrepreneurs on digital economy and policy advocacy for overcoming the challenges. To know the factual information and accumulate specific recommendations on the challenges and concerns of women entrepreneurs on digital economy, BWCCI organized a virtual Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on 17 November 2020 with 11 women entrepreneurs from Khulna division. Ms. Selima Ahmad, MP, President of BWCCI, Ms. Sangita Ahmed, Senior Vice President of BWCCI, Ms. Ferdousi Sultana Begum, Consultant of the project and Ms. Ridma Khan, Board of Director, BWCCI moderated the FGD. The entire project team was present.

BWCCI & UNDP jointly hosted a Policy Dialogue on Women’s Economic Empowerment in Bangladesh

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI) jointly hosted a Policy Dialogue as part of IELD (Inclusive and Equitable Local Development) Project for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Bangladesh on 25th April, 2019 at Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC), Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Agargaon, Dhaka.

Honorable Speaker of the Parliament of Bangladesh, Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury Chaired as the Chief Guest and Selima Ahmad, MP, President-BWCCI moderated the Dialogue.

BWCCI Progressive Award 2017 & 2018

BWCCI in association with Eastern Bank Ltd and Agrani Bank Ltd. organized “BWCCI Progressive Award 2017 and 2018”ceremony on 20 July, 2019 at the Institution of Diploma Engineers, Kakrail, Dhaka. Mr. Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Industries, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Mr. Manmohan Parkash, Country Director, Bangladesh Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank and Mr. S M Moniruzzaman, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank were present as the Special Guests. Mr. Mohammad Shams-Ul Islam, MD & CEO, Agrani Bank Ltd. Mr. Ali Reza Iftekhar, MD & CEO, Eastern Bank Ltd. attended the event as the Guests of Honor. Ms. Selima Ahmad MP, President, BWCCI chaired the program while Ms. Sangita Ahmed, Senior Vice President, BWCCI along with other Board Directors were present.

500 women entrepreneurs from all over the country, donor representatives, bank officials, media and civil society representatives were present in the program.

This year 8 BWCCI members from 8 divisions have been awarded for their significant achievements in business sector. In addition, 2 journalists have also been awarded for their significant contributions to women entrepreneurship development in the country.

BWCCI 14th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The 14th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BWCCI) was held on 20 July 2019 at the Multipurpose Hall, Diploma Engineer’s Institute, Kakrail, Dhaka with the 500 women entrepreneurs from all over the country and directors of BWCCI were also present in the program. Selima Ahmad MP, President of BWCCI presided over meeting.

At the beginning the Ms. Selima Ahmad thanked all members for their hard work and integrity over the past years. She said that since 2001, BWCCI has been working as a vibrant platform for women’s economic empowerment and development. Today, BWCCI is a renowned advocate for women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh at local, national and international level. Annual report, audit report and financial reports of BWCCI were read out and approved by the house.

MoU Signed among BWCCI, FSIBL & PSL

A Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) among Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI), the First Security Islami Bank Ltd (FSIBL) and Progoti Systems Ltd (PSL) has been signed on 12 September, 2019 at FSIBL Head Office, Gulshan-1, Dhaka where Ms. Selima Ahmad, MP and President, BWCCI along with the Board of Directors and Senior Officers of BWCCI, Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director, FSIBL and his senior team members, Mr. Md. Shahadatullah Khan, Chief Executive Officer, PSL were present. The MoU is signed among the parties in order to ensure disbursement of Conveyance and Refreshments allowance of BWCCI-SEIP Project to the qualified trainees through mobile banking channel SureCash- a joint venture of FSIBL and PSL

Women In the Digital Economy-BWCCI Project Sharing Meeting with CIPE

A half day sharing meeting on “Women in the Digital Economy” was organized by BWCCI with the CIPE delegates and its Board of Directors and general members on 25th November 2019 at BWCCI Secretariat, Gulshan-1, Dhaka. Ms. Selima Ahmad, MP, President of BWCCI chaired the program. Barbara Langley, Director-CIPE and Shannon Staley, Program Associate- CIPE from CIPE were present while Ms. Sangita Ahmed, Senior Vice President of BWCCI, other 11 Board of Directors and 4 General members participated in the meeting.