BWCCI and Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) jointly organized a Kick Off Meeting virtually through Zoom Apps for the two new projects on (1) Promoting Democratic Participation of Women in Access to Credit (PDPAC) and (2) Promoting Democratic Participation in the Digital Economy (PDPDE) in Bangladesh on September 02, 2020 at 7:00 PM Bangladesh time. The honorable President- BWCCI, Ms. Selima Ahmad, MP, Ms. Ridma Khan, Board Director-BWCCI and the entire project team members joined the meeting. Mr. Adam Sachs, Ms. Morgan Frost, Ms.Louisa Tomar and Ms.Erinn Benedict were present from CIPE, Washington, DC. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the project activities, the implementation plan of the projects and roles and responsibilities of both Grantee and Grantor. The meeting was concluded at around 8:00 PM
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with women entrepreneurs of Sylhet division
BWCCI is executing a project entitled “Promoting Democratic Participation of women in access to credit (PDPAC)” in cooperation with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)-USA. The main objective of the project is to sensitize bank officials and increase the capacity of women entrepreneurs for easy access to bank loans for inclusive and sustainable economic growth of the country. To know the factual information and accumulate specific recommendations on easy access to finance, BWCCI organized a virtual Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on 06 October 2020 with 08 women entrepreneurs from Sylhet division and 02 Bank Officials from Eastern Bank Limited and Janata Bank. Ms. Selima Ahmad,MP, President of BWCCI moderated the FGD. The entire project team was present.

Digital economy is a prerequisite to make Digital Bangladesh”-Planning Minister said in the virtual workshop organized by BWCCI
Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI) organized the “Kickoff Workshop” on “Promoting Democratic Participation in the Digital Economy (PDPDE) Project funded by Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) virtually on October 14, 2020 from 11.00 a.m to 1.30 p.m. The workshop was facilitated by Ms. Selima Ahmad MP- President-BWCCI. Mr. M A Mannan MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was the Chief Guest who joined over phone from the hospital despite his physical sickness and provided his valuable speech to the audiences. Among other distinguished participants, the program was successfully held with the virtual presence of Dr. Khandokar Azizul Islam, Additional Secretary, ICT Division, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ms. Lila Rashid, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Kamal Quadir, CEO, Bkash, Dr. Nazneen Ahmed, Sr. Research Fellow, BIDS, Representatives from Eastern Bank Limited, First Security Islami Bank Limited, Trust Bank Limited, Ms. Ferdousi Sultana Begum, Consultant, PDPDE Project, Board of Directors and members of BWCCI. Total 42 participants were present virtually including the project team.

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with women entrepreneurs of Dhaka division
BWCCI is executing a project entitled “Promoting Democratic Participation in the Digital Economy (PDPDE)” funded by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) in cooperation with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)-USA. The main objective of the project is To identify the prevailing challenges and concerns, raising awareness of women entrepreneurs on digital economy and policy advocacy for overcoming the challenges. To know the factual information and accumulate specific recommendations on the challenges and concerns of women entrepreneurs on digital economy, BWCCI organized a virtual Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on 04 November 2020 with 10 women entrepreneurs from Dhaka division. Ms. Selima Ahmad,MP, President of BWCCI, Ms. Ferdousi Sultana Begum, Consultant of the project and Ms. Ridma Khan, Board of Director, BWCCI moderated the FGD. The entire project team was present.

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with women entrepreneurs and Bankers of Barishal Division
BWCCI is executing a project entitled “Promoting Democratic Participation of women in access to credit (PDPAC)” in cooperation with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)-USA. The main objective of the project is to sensitize bank officials and increase the capacity of women entrepreneurs for easy access to bank loans for inclusive and sustainable economic growth of the country. To know the factual information and accumulate specific recommendations on easy access to finance, BWCCI organized a virtual Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on 11 November 2020 with 08 women entrepreneurs from Barishal division and 02 Bank Officials from Basic Bank Limited and AB Bank Limited, Barishal. Ms. Selima Ahmad,MP, President of BWCCI and Ms. Ridma Khan, Director, BWCCI moderated the FGD. Ms. Sangita Ahmed, Senior Vice President, BWCCI and Ms. Nusrat Mirza, Director, BWCCI were also present and shared their valuable insights with women entrepreneurs and Bankers. The entire project team was present.”

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with women entrepreneurs of Dhaka division
BWCCI is executing a project entitled “Promoting Democratic Participation in the Digital Economy (PDPDE)” funded by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) in cooperation with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)-USA. The main objective of the project is To identify the prevailing challenges and concerns, raising awareness of women entrepreneurs on digital economy and policy advocacy for overcoming the challenges. To know the factual information and accumulate specific recommendations on the challenges and concerns of women entrepreneurs on digital economy, BWCCI organized a virtual Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on 17 November 2020 with 11 women entrepreneurs from Khulna division. Ms. Selima Ahmad, MP, President of BWCCI, Ms. Sangita Ahmed, Senior Vice President of BWCCI, Ms. Ferdousi Sultana Begum, Consultant of the project and Ms. Ridma Khan, Board of Director, BWCCI moderated the FGD. The entire project team was present.