The Signing Ceremony of the 1st Amendment to the Contract on Grants for Training between SEIP and BWCCI was held on 27 March 2022 at the Conference Room, Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) 15th Floor, Probashi Kallyan Bhaban, 71-72, Old Elephant Road, Eskaton Garden, Ramna- Dhaka. Ms. Selima Ahmad MP- President BWCCI and Md. Ekhlasur Rahman (Additional Secretary) – Executive Director –SEIP signed the contract from BWCCI and SEIP respectively. Among others, the Sr. Vice President-BWCCI, Treasurer and one Sr. Director- BWCCI, the concerned DEPDs and the AEPDs and Consultants of SEIP, the Chief Coordinator, SEIP-BWCCI Project were present in the event. The EPD-SEIP delivered his welcome speech. He hoped to strengthen the working relation between SEIP and BWCCI in the days to come while President-BWCCI gave her special thanks to the Sr. Secretary, the honorable sitting Minister and the former Minister of the Ministry of Finance for their cordial support to the women entrepreneurs as well as to BWCCI. She also gave thanks to the EPD, concerned DEPD and AEPD and all other officials of SEIP for their cooperation in implementing the SEIP-BWCCI Project. The President-BWCCI expressed her satisfaction saying that after successful completion of the Women Entrepreneurs Skill Development Centre (WESDC) – Gazipur, the most deserving women of the country will get opportunity to take part in the residential skill based training course. The inclusive support of entire SEIP team would be highly acknowledged by the Board of Directors and the entire members of BWCCI she added.